Horsepricing is a scam?


Many contractors in the market practice billing different rates for aircon units of different horsepower.

We both disagree with the practice and would like to advise customers against such practices. The cost of both time and effort to service similar aircon units of different horsepowers are almost exactly the same.

We practice a more ethical way of pricing AC services following the criteria below and welcome our industry friends who do the same or similar.

How do we charge:

1. By the number of fan coils.

Price change as workload increases due to the number of machines.

Our prices for Split Type are:

1-2 units - RM187 (full service and steaming)

3+ units and above - RM165 (full service and steaming) 

2. By aircon type.

There are Split type, Cassette type and Concealed type of ACs. Different AC types require very different levels of effort and time.

Horsepower does not affect the price since it does not affect the amount of work and resources. 

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